

I use a 3 step process to deliver superior results

1 Initial Evaluation

2 Video Analysis

3 Program Design



I use a 3 step process to deliver superior results

1 Initial Evaluation

2 Video Analysis

3 Program Design

JP Strength Therapy takes the guesswork out of your programming.  The experienced coaching helps the client avoid making programming mistakes due to less practical training knowledge. The expert evaluations (completed by a fellowship credentialed Physical Therapist, certified strength and conditioning specialist, and powerlifter) reveal the largest individual deficiencies limiting the athlete. If an athlete has significant dysfunction, supplementary rehab exercises will be instructed and provided to accelerate progress. Furthermore, when a client purchases services, they will have unlimited access to the coach (via email, skype, and phone) for the duration of the program to ask questions, adjust weekly workouts based on how the prior weeks felt, troubleshoot any orthopedic issues that may arise, and make alterations to future week's plans.

Initial Evaluation: The initial evaluation is a 1 on 1 session comprised of a full body evaluation and area specific evaluation if you have a concerning issue. We assess full body mobility, individual joint mobility, muscle length and stiffness throughout the entire body, spinal mobility, functional movement quality, and address any specific concerns of yours.  It will generally take about 60-90 minutes and gives me all of the info needed to customize a program specifically for your needs based on the identified restrictions. Supplementary rehab exercises will be administered as needed for extra improvement between training sessions.

Video assessment: Submit videos (via google drive) of your squat, bench, deadlift, C&J, snatch, and clean exercises. The videos shoulder capture viewing ankles form the side, front, and back if possible for all lifts.  The lifts should be completed around 85-90% of your 1RM.  Once submitted, I will analyze the videos for compensatory patterns.

Program design: The initial evaluation combined with the video assessment will give me an extremely detailed list of restrictions and compensations which will determine how your program is set up.  All programs are individualized to the identified restrictions/compensations and the training age of the client (novice, intermediate, advanced) in order to structure incomparable programs to reach your ultimate potential.